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2626 Cole Avenue #300
Dallas, TX 75204




Designers For Dogs is sponsored by dog-friendly brands that educate and support designers in making homes dog-friendly.

Interior Designers are positioned to influence the lifestyles of Americans one home at a time.

Partner with us and join the 140 billion-dollar pet industry by aligning your products with Designers For Dogs.

Enjoy Brand Visibility and Engagement

– at our national Designer event at Dallas Market Center!

As a sponsor, you will be included in all print collateral supporting our event along with the following.

For details on specific package offerings and pricing, please drop us a note below.

Email blast to 12,000k Interior Designers about the event

Instagram posts about the event to 99.5k+ followers 

Digital Boards throughout Dallas Market Center with 10,000+ in foot traffic between 3 markets 

Brand engagement - DMC houses 5million square feet of vendor showrooms 

National & local interior design magazines regularly cover Design Week & the adjoining events Kips Bay Show House, etc. 

Sponsorship Inquiry

If you’d like more information about becoming a sponsor, please fill out and submit the form below. We will respond shortly. 

    Thank you to our sponsors!